Updated: 24th July 2024
Welcome to the Forrest community! We're thrilled to have you here, and we want to make sure everyone has a fun, engaging, and respectful experience. Our new commenting feature lets you share your thoughts, cheer each other on, and connect with fellow runners and cyclists. To keep things running smoothly, we’ve put together a few guidelines.Be Kind and Respectful
Respect everyone: We’re all here to have a good time, so let’s treat each other with kindness and respect. Discrimination, harassment, or hate speech of any kind won’t be tolerated.
Constructive feedback: If you’re offering advice or feedback, keep it positive and helpful. We all have different levels of experience and skills.
Keep It Relevant
Stay on topic: Comments should be related to the race, run, or ride you’re commenting on. This keeps conversations meaningful and engaging.
No spamming: Avoid posting repetitive comments or irrelevant links. Let’s keep the space clean and focused.
Play Fair
Honesty is the best policy: Share your genuine experiences and thoughts. Misleading or false information doesn’t help anyone.
Respect privacy: Don’t share personal information about yourself or others. Safety first!
No Profanity or Offensive Language
Mind your language: Keep your comments family-friendly. Avoid using profanity or any language that could be offensive to others.
Report Issues
See something off?: If you come across a comment that doesn’t follow these guidelines, report it. We’re here to help maintain a positive environment.
Have Fun!
Enjoy the ride: Whether you’re cheering on a friend, sharing a personal best, or offering encouragement, keep the spirit fun and supportive.
What Happens if Guidelines Aren’t Followed?
We take our community standards seriously to ensure everyone has a great experience. Here’s what might happen if someone doesn’t follow the guidelines:
Warning: For minor infractions, we’ll send a friendly reminder of the guidelines.
Temporary suspension: If the behaviour continues, we may temporarily suspend commenting privileges.
Permanent ban: In cases of severe or repeated violations, we may permanently ban the user from commenting or using Forrest entirely.
By following these guidelines, you’re helping to build a welcoming and inspiring community. Thank you for being a part of Forrest!
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